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Hindrances to Prayer

There are 7 things that will hinder your prayer life:


James 1:5-7 “5 If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all liberally and without reproach, and it will be given to him. 6 but let him ask in faith, with no doubting, for he who doubts is like a wave of the sea driven and tossed by the wind. 7 For let not that man suppose that he will receive anything from the Lord…”

If you are in unbelief this is an opportunity to repent.


There are so many people going to prayer meeting that are not actually properly aligned. That’s why the scripture says where two or three are gathered, not ten thousand. It just takes you, yourself and the Holy Ghost sometimes! If you are praying for 10 years for the same thing and it is not coming to pass perhaps you are not really in unity with yourself or the people you are praying with are not sincere.

All you need is one or two people that truly believe to completely come in agreement with you. God is big enough to raise the dead! Why are we reading about those who rose the dead years ago but we are seeing nothing.


If you have unforgiveness in your heart, your prayers will be hindered. The enemy is looking to even use people you know to put unforgiveness in your heart. You must contend concerning this and set boundaries clearly.


A generous spirit is one that receives from God. Your generosity can open doors for you. If you are not generous, you will not even be generous in the anointing. You will not be generous in what God gives to you because you are always thinking about your own needs.


Many need to repent of this. Your marriage, your home, your job and your car are the only kind of things you are praying about; everything is about you. The motivation in your prayers is not how other people can benefit but how you can benefit. You are your own idol. So long as you are not benefiting from it, you cannot give your all.

You cannot serve two gods; yourself and God. When you are praying, you are praying in your own kingdom rather than His Kingdom. When was the last time you went to a prayer meeting and your focus was actually somebody else. Give to Him and He will give back to you.

Sincerity of heart and desperation causes God to meet the need being prayed for. Where there is a real need for the anointing. Are people looking to really pray and prophecy or are they simply looking for another bless me club. God is outmanoeuvering our motivations.


Many people do not talk about sin; gossip, envy, jealousy, fornication in your heart. Kissing before marriage is often spurred by lust and is therefore sin. If you feel that you are burning, go and marry rather than kissing and then having to confess.

Asking Amiss

When you don’t know what you are praying for, you are wasting God’s time.

  • Know that the enemy is not outside, it is within. Lord we are praying for deep conviction.

  • We are asking you to help us in our doubt and unbelief.

  • Help us where we have been stingy or prayed amiss. In our sinful nature.

  • Lord we are asking for you mercy.

  • Come in our hearts and make us a house of prayer; ones that have power and are pleased to visit.

  • Thank you Holy Spirit for Your ministry to us.

In The Mighty Name of Jesus Christ Our Lord, Amen!


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