Dear Saints
I had a dream which I know is from the Lord. In this dream there was a very big stadium. It was organised into three parts. The first two parts were a stage, where speakers would stand, and an altar connected to it. The altar was elevated higher than the stage. The third part was for the crowd.

A man of God that I know stood on the stage and began to call for a particular person to come up to the altar. The person that he called was hesitant at first to approach, but the man of God insisted that the time was now.
Many known Christian leaders were seated in the stage area, and I understood in the dream that there was a tendency to give them the microphone when it was time for someone to speak. However, when the person that the man of God had called reached the stage, he told them not be distracted by the leaders that were there, but to continue to go up higher, to the altar.
I then saw that the people sitting on the stage were not facing towards where the audience would be but were turned to the wall and were praying. Whoever stood to speak on the stage was strengthened and empowered by their prayers.
The stadium was not yet filled, but 120 men and women had already gathered. The man of God saw this and called for everyone to be seated as everything was in place for the stadium to be filled. As I continued to look, people started to enter in, and it began to be filled without any coercion.
I believe that the Holy Spirit is calling the Church to turn our faces once again to the Wailing Wall and to begin to wail and intercede. As we intercede, it will strip away the expectations around who is expected to speak to trigger the revival, as it will not necessarily be those voices that are known. Rather, the specific ones that God has determined to call as triggers will stand and arise.
The 120 men and women represent those that God has released into the earth to bring the real spirit of conviction, unity, and understanding into our midst. There were 120 in the Upper Room, and so this represents a connection to the original move of the Spirit. That group had been with Him and knew Him, and the 120 in the dream are also those that have tarried and prepared for Him to pour out His power on them. Just as the original 120 were dispersed all over the world, so these ones are already in place across the world, in place to activate the kingdom of God and bring about unity.
We must partner with what is breaking forth and be sensitive to what God is doing and not turn to the old habits and methods. It is not about relying on the familiar, but about being led by the Holy Spirit to those people who will truly ignite what God has planned. Through this, the whole Body of Christ will be enabled to shine. There is an anointing for healing and reconciliation in this.
The 120 have been intentionally chosen by God, and what they are giving birth to will be preserved and protected from compromise, even in the face of the great crowd that gathers.
As we turn to the Wailing Wall once again, He will visit. Revival is always birthed through prayer and intercession. It is a place of focus, purpose, and assignment. We must be ready to do things differently, ushering in the new in a spirit of consecration, recognising the holy ground that we are called onto. Despite all that has happened in the past, there is great hope, and we must pursue the purposes of God.
The glory of the Lord is here!
Rev Betty King