Dear Saints
Seasons greetings to all,
I just wanted to bring this word of encouragement to you, based on a vision that I had.
While sitting in my quiet time praying and reflecting, all of a sudden, I saw a mail room. In this mail room, there was a copious amount of letters. The desperate need for able and ready postmen and women to deliver these were more than apparent. They had parcels. They had letters. They had deeds. They had contracts that needed to get to their destinations urgently.

Some of these mail looked like they had been in the mail room for a very long time. I saw many groups of people in the room. You had some who had delayed delivery due to that division. I saw other mail persons, who needed to deliver particular mail on time, suddenly as they were to pick up these mail, they got into conversations that distracted them. Due to that, they took the wrong mail.
And while some were distracted and others apathetically sat down, a door flung open, and a swarm of people came in. There was a real sense of urgency with these ones that had arrived, as they got to work to ensure the discarded and mishandled mails got to their intended destinations on time.
Although the scene was in 2025, it felt like the sense we all had pre-Covid.
As I watched all these take place, I wanted to know the sudden reason for the urgency of these new group of workers that had come. I heard the spirit of the Lord say "there’s been so many battles fought in the body of Christ. These battles have caused wounds that the enemy keeps infecting constantly; so healing is being halted."
Many people in the body of Christ feel that whilst they love God and want to move on in God, there's this wound in their soul that refuses to close. It’s not just wounds in their soul, but habits and tendencies that have existed almost like a clutch to keep an even keel when warfare breaks out. A self preserving attitude and mindset that actively plays out to minimise losses.
Some haven’t necessarily been under warfare with delay. Some are simply going through bloodline imprisonment. I feel in this coming year, and even now, the Lord shall deliver many from lingering bloodline imprisonment. Bloodline judgements have finally come to an end.
Many times, people don’t realise that they’re dealing with actually dealing with bloodline issues that manifest through habits, compromised and shifting personalities, and the like. Through the redemption that comes from the eternal blood of Jesus, many of these bloodline issues are finally judged and dealt with it.
In response to all these, the Lord says He’s bringing that which is needed; His healing balm to bring wholeness for the days ahead.
The Lord showed me further, houses that had been swept clean where deliveries were made. These homes were filled with young and old. I asked the Lord what this meant? The Lord said, "These are churches who are not bowing their knees to idols." It felt like these precious ones had been praying for the longest time and yet not settling in the areas that God wants them to settle. But these packages were bringing the help that is needed. The maturity that is needed for the young coming into their fullness of destiny and calling within church fellowship.
The right people will come into those churches. Ones that will not reopen or unearth fractious things that will slow the movements.
So in 2025 , in the coming years and beyond, the Spirit of the Lord is going to move in his churches, but it will be those who will preach His Word and His truth.
The truth is what will build. The truth of the Word of God. The true gospel of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ. Not the compromise to get seats filled. It will not be ones that build empires that have a semblance of God orchestrated success, yet lack true and enduring discipleship.
And so, yes! If you fought wars and you thought nothing came out of it, the order and command have been given to bless you. The delivery men and women who have a determined, and with singularity of focus, refuse to be distracted, are about their Father’s business to release and deliver your BLESSING.
So get ready.
Reverend Betty King