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The Landscape Has Changed

Dear Saints Greetings and blessings to you in the matchless name of Jesus! “The lion has roared— who will not fear? The Sovereign Lord has spoken— who can but prophesy?” (Amos 3:8) At the beginning of the year, the Lord showed me a picture of many important words connected to the anointing all placed together in an array. Truth, justice, humility, longsuffering and many more featured prominently. However, there were at first large gaps between the words, and it didn’t look quite right. All of a sudden, however, I felt a surge of power, and the words became brighter and bolder. A golden oil began to flow and filled the gaps between the words, completing the picture beautifully. I rejoiced. We have been praying into this picture throughout the year. As we were praying recently, I felt the Lord leading me to Numbers 24. In this chapter, as Balaam looked out into the wilderness and saw the Children of Israel in array, encamped tribe by tribe, he could not help but to prophesy and declare the blessings of God over their lives. In many ways, the scene that Balaam saw was like the picture that the Lord showed to me. Each of the tribes of the Children of Israel represents a different strength or quality necessary for the fulfilment of God’s plans. And yet, there must be an oil, the golden oil of God’s anointing, that flows between the people, to bring all their strengths and qualities together in unity and without division. One of the keys to bringing this about is the sound of the right voices prophesying, blessing, decreeing and declaring the nature and purposes of God over the people. In this context, I want to draw attention today to the nature of the enemy that Israel needed to defeat at this time, the Amalekites. The Lord had told the Children of Israel to annihilate the Amalekites. (The Morden day Amalekite represent a subversive spirit, which works through subtle but contrary voices that seek to undermine the purposes of God, and counteract what God is prophesying for the Church. The Amalekite spirit is that little voice inside everyone that derides, belittles and attacks truth and goodness. It expresses itself in an irrational tendency to mock people who act morally, to be cynical when we see altruism, and to doubt our own and other’s sincerity. This spirit wages war on your soul. If you give it a foothold, it will sabotage every attempt you make to improve yourself, and smother all your efforts to develop a better character. The most inspiring, uplifting and profound moments of spiritual awakening can be dismissed in an instant through a comment motivated by this spirit. This spirit knows God and what He can do, and is always trying to find something to say in order to deny His power and His promises, so that it can stop the flow of the anointing and undermine the qualities and connections needed for the seasons ahead.) Nonetheless, as I saw in the picture that God showed me, He is releasing great strength to the Body of Christ, and is bringing about a fresh emphasis on the godly principles and aspects of character that will help the Church to victory in the days ahead. In this season, as many of you look for mentors that will help you to build godly character, there needs to be a purging from the subtle words and voices that have derailed so many people in their faith. And if you are one of those that are called to raise the next generation, stand your ground and remember what you’ve fought through to get to this point. Stand against the Amalekite spirit, knowing that in times past many have fled from churches and organisations simply because of the subtle voices that bred hypocrisy and unbelief. This spirit wants to rear its head yet again, but you must put an end to it. New means new. Stand against the voices which come to you to make God seem small. Come against the attitudes that haven’t worked and yet are still enforcing themselves against you without reason. Evaluate what it is that you allow to influence you, and if sows doubt into you about the nature of the God whom you know and serve, then take it out. The lion has roared! It is time to prophesy! Speak into what God is doing, and be what you see. Be intentional about coming into agreement with the nature of God, so that the oil that is flowing will continue to flow. If you are a mentor or leader, then be a bridge for the healing of the Church. Go to the Father for the daily bread and speak into being what each person needs for their growth. Actions need to be taken, discussions need to be had, and the enemy needs to be eliminated, but let’s do it all Christ’s way. It is time for the voice of the Amalekites to be silenced. Selah. I love Psalm 22, which foretold of Jesus being crucified. It speaks of him being surrounded by dogs, but in the end God answers Him and delivers him. God will deliver you from whatever has surrounded you to intimidate you, however loud its voice! Psalm 22:16-21 “For dogs have surrounded Me; the congregation of the wicked has enclosed Me. They pierced My hands and My feet; I can count all My bones. They look and stare at Me. They divide My garments among them, And for My clothing they cast lots. But You, O Lord, do not be far from Me; O My Strength, hasten to help Me! Deliver Me from the sword, My precious life from the power of the dog. Save Me from the lion’s mouth and from the horns of the wild oxen! You have answered Me. I pray that God gives you strength as you seek the grace in this promise. Be blessed as we advance, because the victory has been won. Adored Rev Betty King


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