Dear Saints,
During my time with the Lord, I saw a picture of a big open door and a man standing at the door stretching out his hand, towards many people that were heading towards the door.

They could see him there, but they were a bit weary as they came to make the final steps. Every step they took also brought light to them, and it lightened the load on them because their expectations of what was awaiting them at the doorway were very high. They could perceive the light, and knew that although they were tired, they were almost there.
However, along the path, rails and crutches began to appear. People were looking at the light and then looking at the rails and crutches to decide whether to grab them on their way to the finish line. This meant that some were looking back to old relationships just when they were about to enter the new. Some were just determined to get a hold of the strength of the hand at the door. Those who were able to reach out and grab hold of the man’s hand were transformed. Their garments became pure and on them were written Isaiah 51:2 and Genesis 12:2: Look at Abraham, your father, and Sarah, who gave you birth. When I summoned him, he was a lone individual, but I blessed him and gave him numerous descendants. (Isaiah 51:2) Then I will make you into a great nation, and I will bless you, and I will make your name great, so that you will exemplify divine blessing. (Genesis 12:2)
Then there were those who grabbed hold of the rails and crutches and by doing so they were unable to reach the finish line with the strength they had. There are certain things of the past that are fading and certain actions of the past that have produced abnormalities in the Body of Christ. They are being judged but are still there for now. In this time, do not grab hold of any such rail or crutch but head straight towards the door and let the Lord have his way in you and provide you with His strength. This is so that the gatherings of the new will be authentic and built to last for legacy, unencumbered by the things of the past that do not belong in the future. Reaching out to the hand of the Lord is where true grace is given to endure and do what it takes to pioneer and build.
There is such a great grace and assurance when you know how far you have come in Him. It gives you the sense of value that is needed to stay in His love, peace, and protection. So be mindful of the helping hands of old relationships, those crutches and rails. If what is coming your way does not look like reconciliation, restitution, peace, and unity then it will run out of steam quickly. Go for the Presence. Go towards the door. Put everything else aside and when you get there you will have what you need.
I came out of the vision with such confidence in Him that I cannot explain it. We are living in the most exciting times. As the Psalm says: The Lord reigns, he is robed in majesty; the Lord is robed in majesty and armed with strength; indeed, the world is established, firm and secure. Your throne was established long ago; you are from all eternity. The seas have lifted up, Lord, the seas have lifted up their voice; the seas have lifted up their pounding waves. Mightier than the thunder of the great waters, mightier than the breakers of the sea — the Lord on high is mighty. Your statutes, Lord, stand firm; holiness adorns your house for endless days. (Psalm 93)
Adored Rev Betty King